Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Baldwin/Buckley Persona

Read all of “Why don’t we complain?” and this selection from James Baldwin write a 200-300 word blog post that contrasts the use of persona between Buckley and Baldwin.

I think the purposes of the pieces were extremely different. Buckley seemed to write his for the concern of the greater society and Baldwin for getting his own voice hear about his life. Baldwin's piece is an autobiography while Buckley's is an outreach to society. For this reason the persona was completely different. Buckley is seeming to say "hey look this is what i see, and this is not good." Where as Baldwin is saying, "this is who i am, where i have come from, and how i got where i am today." Because the purposes are completely different for each pieces it shows trough their writing. Baldwin is more interested in getting the audience to feel his life struggle and feel with him so he talks about himself and how he relates to society but not about soceity. Buckley's piece is a cry to society to change their passive ways so he uses anecdotes to get his point accross that he has been there and knows how it feels to not want to complain but in the bigger picture knows that it is unhelpful to have an entire nation of passive people. He doesn't use the entire piece as a story about himself bt rather peppers it with different enecdotal experiences.

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