Thursday, November 1, 2007


The Kurzweil article is a bit difficult to understand if he's speaking negatively or positively about technological advances. He says that it will eradicate diseases and end world hunger and pollution which to most people are good things. But, he has this negative under-tone that makes it seem like he believes that technological advanaces are not all good. Personally I am just confused.
McKibben's article is a lot easier to understand. He says all of the great thigns that science advacnements are creating but then goes on to say that it's destroying the very thing that makes us human: unpredictability. He says that theses flaws give mearning to life. It's teh "weight" taht holds us to grounded and he made a quote that once technological advances snip away all that is holding us, we will "float away to meaninglessness." That is a bit scary to think about!
Personally I do agree. I think flaws and bad experiences make the good times more meaningful because we have somethign to compare it to! IF there's no disease to threaten life, how will we be able to appreciate living? IF we can't die, how do we appreciate life? There are a lot of questions with no answers and just more "snipping" at the lines that keep us tied down to ameaningful and happy life

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