Thursday, April 24, 2008

oppising opinion on social issues

HW: Blog post: Write two paragraphs putting forth an opinion about an important social issue (Gun control, Affirmative Action, Cats are better than Dogs). Choose an issue you care about but write one paragraph according to how you actually feel and the other according to how someone who disagrees might feel. Try to make is so that someone from the outside wouldn’t know which of these you agree with.

opinion: abortion

first opinion: If you were a rape vistim and became pregnant, would you want tobring a baby into the world? Not only is that unfair to you as it is a constant reminder of the traumatic experience, but for a child to know that the only reason for their exsistence is from rape, that is positiviely barbaric! I would certainly not want to be that child and i don't knwo many people that would. Abortion is a clear reason to handle this issue. Prohibiting abortion in this instance is unnecessary and does more harm than good.


Second opinion: Life, all stages of life, is a precious gift and should be treated as such. As soon as an egg is fertilized, there is life. Destroying this life destroys teh possibility of a future contributing human being. In essence, abortion is murder. And the worst form of murder, murder on the helpless. An embryo clearly has no choice or say in their death and abortion makes the choice for them. Abortion is evil.

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