Friday, April 18, 2008

fog of war

Please choose and read 2 of the critics and in your own blog post, reflect on the rhetorical purpose, strategies, and effectiveness of the movie. Also refer to the two critics you read (link them!) and explain whether you agree or disagree with what they have to say. Please finish by Thursday because we will use it in class then.

A big strategy used was using pictures with someone talkign behind it. The effectiveness of this was it made it more interesting for the listener and the words had more meaningwith visual aid! Also when the speaker would talk and the scene would be a close up of a negative word, i think that that was most effective.
Another strategy used was to show the speaker not answering certain questions. It shows how political he has become over the years and how certain things are still not talked about. Even though the speaker wasn't in office anymore, he remained political in teh way he talks and answers questions.
I think the movie did an excelent job of conveying just how political war can be where it's so complicated that people still can't talk about the events that happened behind closed white house doors 40 years later.

Liam lacy [Morris] gave him a stage -- and Mr. McNamara took it -- to chart the tragedy of Vietnam and prove that war is too complex, too dangerous for fallible human beings in power to know what they're doing.
I completely agree with what Lacy is saying. He accurately captures a main point behind the movie and effectively conveys that.

Bruce Newman i think hits upon the main movie claim from Mcnamara as well. "It is a profound examination of the troubling proposition that good or well-meaning people can help create horrible and evil events -- and be swept along in the turmoil they unleash."

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